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knives in water
htx pop-up kitchen
Houston is full of talented individuals from all walks of life doing all kinds of amazing things. Here are some of our friends and where to find and follow them.
Granel Global Spice Market: @granelglobal
Umbrella Fellas: @umbrellafellas713
Pan de Taco: @pandetaco
Comalli: @marimacha.latte
Tacos Bombaros: @tacosbomberos
Somos Somillas: @somos.semillas
Street to Kitchen: @streettokitchen
The Blind Goat: @theblindgoathtx
Toasted Coconut: @gettoastedhtx
Two Headed Dog: @twoheadeddogtx
Lil’ Danny Speedo’s Go Fly a Kite Lounge: @lildannyspeedoskitelounge
Pink Elephant Room: @thepinkelephantroom
Grand Prize: @grandprizebar
Poison Girl: @poisongirlbar
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